Returns Policy.
At AmyRiolo.Com we are committed to excellence in each aspect of our operations. Not only do we select our selection with meticulous research, to find the finest products available, but also, we want to guarantee that you can enjoy them in an affordable and secure way. We typically process and ship your order the same day we receive it, or the following morning if the order is received after 3PM Eastern time, unless there are higher than expected orders received. In the event of unexpected high volumes of orders, it may take 3-5 business days for us to process and ship the order.
The shipment is always shipped via UPS Ground or USPS Priority Mail, so it will likely be delivered to your door in the least time possible. Directly after the shipment, you will be provided with the tracking number related to your package.
We also use our product cases and/or recycled eco-friendly packaging material, that we encourage to reuse and recycle to limit the impact on the environment. The shipping cost is a flat $10 rate for the shipping services we offer in most of the US territories. Being committed to the excellence of our products and services, we manually inspect our packages and secure them well, to avoid any kind of damage during the transportation.
Nonetheless, if your products are received in a bad condition, please let us know and, at our discretion, we will ship the product again. In the case of return, please contact us for return permission and instructions on how to pack and where to ship your damaged product. Shipping costs are not refundable.